It's been so long since I've posted anything here, and since I missed the opportunity to write one earlier last month, now I'll have one just in time for the Chinese new year! =)
I was away for vacation back in my home country Taiwan and did lots of sight seeing around various parts of the island. Here are some photos I've taken from the trip:
Taroko national park

stained glass art in metro station

San Fort Dominigo

Taipei 101

During Chinese new year, we sometimes make something special for the occasion, such as the "year cake" (made from sticky rice, can be made sweet or salty, steamed or fried, both delicious). This time, my mom made a dish called "Buddha jumping over the wall," which is a soup dish consisting of over 10 different materials. The typical ingredients for the dish are Nappa cabbage, quail eggs, seafood (shark fin, abalone), and taro. My mom's also added pig knuckles, bamboo shoots, mushrooms, chestnut, and short ribs. The ingredients are all cooked together in a ceramic pot over low heat for several hours. The result: delicious; hence the name of the dish--it's so good that even the vegetarian Buddha will jump over a wall to eat it! :p
And one more thing, here is a stone I picked up at a beach in Taiwan. I love the pattern on the rock, it makes it look almost like a little bird, doesn't it? :) I can't believe that I got it right on the first few picks too, I was lucky I didn't have to look to hard among the many hundred pieces of rocks scattered there on the beach!